Saturday, February 22, 2025
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Central Instrumentation Facility

Central Instrumentation facility (CIF) has been established with various high-end and sophisticated analytical instruments. These instruments are operated under qualified technical supervisors/Scientists who have adequate experience in calibration, validation/ and preventive & maintenance. Overall functioning is under the control of respective department/section heads. All instrumental operation instructions and precaution are formulated as standard operating procedure (SOP). Most of the electronic data generated are in compliance with 21CFR Part 11. CIF provide facility assistance / support to various researchers from academic, Industry, start-up, MSME, National laboratory based on institution prescribed charges. There are standard format available for supply of samples to CIF.

The following instruments have been allocated as a part of central instrumentation facility (CIF) of NIPER Hajipur, for providing facility support to researchers from different departments/sections. The CIF also provides facility support on chargeable basis to other institutions / researchers /Industries. The charges are exclusive of GST.

Important Note: Prior to dispatch the sample, you are advised to discuss about requirement with assigned scientist in-charge through mail or phone. All samples should be sent to the following address with appropriate packing / storage condition if applicable with duly filled “Sample supplier form”.

Click Here to download the CIF Facility Requisition Form

Scientist In-charges for queries

Dr. Rahul Gajbhiye:
Dr Anupam Jana:
Mrs. Rajni Khan:

Table of charges for facility support and scientist in-charge for each facility

S. No. Name of the instrument Model /Make Scientist in-charge Charges description Academic /Research institution (INR) Start-up/MSME (INR) Industry/ Corporate (INR)
1 LC-Q(Orbitrap) MS Nano/UHPLC Thermo Exploris 240 Dr. Rahul Gajbhiye Proteomics Per injection 140 min nanoLC-MS/MS run (For those who require .RAW files only) 6,000/sample 8,000/sample 9,000/sample
Proteomics Per injection Deep proteomics profiling of digested samples. (140 min nanoLC-MS/MS run + Database search) 7,500/sample 10,000/sample 11,250/sample
Metabolomics per injection and Phytochemical profiling per sample UPLC-MS/MS for Untargeted analysis of Lipids/Small molecules (Combined positive & negative modes in a single UPLC-MS/MS run + data analysis) 4,000/sample 5,000/sample 6,000/sample
Metabolomics for biological samples per injection and Phytochemical profiling per sample UPLC-MS/MS for Untargeted analysis of Lipids/Small molecules (Positive & negative modes separately + data analysis separately for each mode) 6,000/sample 7,000/sample 9,000/sample
    Metabolomics per injection and Phytochemical profiling per sample UPLC-MS/MS for Untargeted analysis of Lipids/Small molecules Single mode (positive or negative mode) identification + data analysis) 3,000/sample 4,000/sample 4,500/sample
For additional Technical replicate (By default, each sample will be injected only once for Untargeted analysis) 2,500/sample 3,000/sample 3,750/sample
HR-MS analysis for single compound Per mode analysis 4,000/sample Per mode 6,000/sample Per mode 8,000/sample Per mode
HRMS-MS analysis for single compound Per mode analysis 4,500/sample Per mode 6,000/sample Per mode 9,000/sample Per mode
2 ICP-MS Agilent 7850 (G8422A) ICP-MS System Dr. Rahul Gajbhiye ICP-MS (up to 5 elements – Qualitative except Mercury) *Digested Sample 850/sample 2000/sample 2500/sample
ICP-MS (up to 5 elements – Qualitative except Mercury) *Sample without digestion 1000/sample 2500/sample 3000/sample
For each extra element per sample 150/sample 500/sample 600/sample
ICP-MS (Quantitative analysis per element except Mercury) * Digested Sample 500/sample 1250/sample 1500/sample
ICP-MS (Quantitative analysis per element except Mercury) *Sample without digestion 700/sample 1500/sample 1750/sample
ICP-MS (Quantitative analysis for mercury) *Digested Sample 1000/sample 2500/sample 3000/sample
ICP-MS (Quantitative analysis for mercury) *Sample without digestion 1150/sample 2750/sample 3150/sample
3 Head Space GC-MS/MS (AEI, CI) Thermo TSQ Series MS with GC Trace 1600 series, TriPlus RSH Dr Anupam Jana GC-MS/MS (AEI) 1000/- per injection 1500/- per injection 1700/- per injection
HS-GC-MS/MS (AEI) 2000/- per injection 3000/- per injection 4000/- per injection
GC-MS/MS (CI) 2500/- per injection 3300/- per injection 5000/- per injection
SPME-GC-MS/MS (AEI) 1500/- per injection 2000/- per injection 2500/- per injection
4 HPLC Agilent Dr Anupam Jana Analysis 1000/- per hour 1300/- per hour 1500/- per hour
5 Rheometer Anton Paar Mrs. Rajni Khan Analysis 1500/- per sample, 15,000/ per method development (max. 10 samples) 1500/- per sample, 15,000/ per method development (max. 10 samples) 1500/- per sample, 15,000/ per method development (max. 10 samples)
6 RT-PCR Applied Biosystems Quant Studio 5 Mrs. Rajni Khan Per Sample basis depending on dye 850 Per sample with SYBR green dye 1600 per sample with TaqMan dye 1100 Per sample with SYBR green dye 1900 per sample with TaqMan 1650 Per sample with SYBR green dye 3100 per sample with TaqMan dye Dye
7 Multimode reader Molecular Devices Spectramax iD5 Mrs. Rajni Khan UV/ Fluorescence/ Luminescence UV/Vis- 1000/hour Flourescence: 1250/hour Luminescence: 1500/hour UV/Vis- 1600/hour Flourescence: 2000/hour Luminescence: 2000/hour UV/Vis- 2000/hour Flourescence: 2500/hour Luminescence: 3000/hour
8 Fluorescence Inverted microscope Zeiss Axiocam 208 color Mrs. Rajni Khan Per hour basis 700/hour 1000/hour 1500/hour
9 Biochemical  auto analyzer Erba Xl-640 Mrs. Rajni Khan Per sample basis 200/sample plus kit reagents 300/sample plus kit reagents 400/sample plus kit reagents
10 Hematoanalyzer (3 parts) (Veterinary) Nihon Kohden Celltac alpha Mrs. Rajni Khan Per sample basis 100/sample 200/sample 300/sample
11 Isothermal calorimeter Malvern/ MAL1276692 Dr. Rahul Gajbhiye Per sample basis 500/sample 700/sample 800/sample
12 Differential Scanning Calorimetry TA Instrument/ DSC2A-02228 Dr. Rahul Gajbhiye Per sample basis 1500/sample 1700/sample 2000/sample
13 Fluorescence Activated Cell sorter (FACS – sorter) BD/ FACSARIA™Fusion Mrs. Rajni Khan Per sample basis 1500/sample 1700/sample 2000/sample
14 Nanopartcle Tracking Analyzer Zetaview®/ Pmx-130-12J-RS Mrs Rajni Khan Per sample basis 500/sample 700/sample 800/sample
15 Dynamic light Scattering Malvern/ 2543305 MAL210622005 Mrs Rajni Khan Per sample basis 500/sample 600/sample  
16 FT-IR Perkinelmer/ 118848 Dr Anupam Jana Per sample basis (KBr Technique) 200/sample 300/sample 400/sample

Terms & Conditions:

  1. The respective Section / Department Head will be responsible for the accountability of the instrument, for any technical queries, the respective scientist can be contacted.
  2. The charges are fixed based on reference from other national laboratories which are subject to change as per the decision of the institute.
  3. GST is applicable as per Govt. of India.
  4. The sample supplier is responsible for interpretation of data and results. CIF will provide only data received from instrument.
  5. The data provided are developed at our institute environment as per reference procedure or in house procedure or available SOP only.
  6. The supplier can also provide method, so CIF will follow depends on the availability of resources.
  7. If sample is poor quality, still sample supplier has to pay the charges.
  8. The result or data can be used only for research purposes not for submission to regulatory authority or for any legal claim.
  9. Minimum one hour charges will be applicable for the respective instruments whichever is charged on hour basis
  10. 100% advance payment on the basis of Proforma Invoice issued by the Institute.
  11. Payment has to be made to the Institution account as per the Proforma Invoice.
  12. CIF is not responsible for sample loss due to transportation or any other damage.
  13. CIF will not repeat any sample data acquisition; such repetition request will be considered as “new sample”
  14. Report generation for the supplied sample depends on the first come / first basis and including internal research sample load, and other maintenance period. You are advised to contact the scientist for approximate time of result generation.
  15. CIF will not archive any of the data, once results are supplied to sample suppliers.
  16. If our scientist found that the supplied sample is of poor quality and sample is a risk to instrument functioning, those sample will not be analyzed and same will be informed to sample suppliers.